Post by Harbinger on Dec 10, 2015 4:13:38 GMT
Name: Norra
Rank: Searchrider/Wingrider
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sexuality: Homosexual
Physical description:
Personality description:
Name: Hezzath
Color: Blue (0044bb)
Rank: Searchrider/Wingrider
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sexuality: Homosexual
Physical description:
- Norra tends to command attention, even without intending to do so. She has such a brightness that pervades her that it tends to catch the eye as she walks past. Add the animated way she tends to move and the comely features she inherited, and you've got a veritable bombshell walking through the Weyr. It doesn't help that she enjoys showing off a bit here and there. Dressing up for the fun of it is a common restday occupation for this Bluerider, and a dusting of makeup a rarely abandoned commodity. When she can, Norra likes to wear bright dresses, but most of the time she has to settle with well-tailored tunics and breeches - clothing much more suited to the rigors of dragonriding.
Rather lean in build, Norra tends to look taller than she is due to long limbs but a short torso. In all reality, she is more striking than classically beautiful, but it still served to cause her trouble in her younger years. While not carrying "large tracks of land," she manages an hourglass figure that suits her well and that she enjoys to accent. Like all dragonriders - especially those riding fighting dragons - she has a fair bit of lean muscle cording her body. Just like any of the men she works with, Norra can throw a sack of firestone a dragonlength and doesn't break a sweat over washing and oiling over forty-two feet of dragon.
Even without her makeup, Norra is a lovely woman, though perhaps "cute" would be a more apt description. She has a diamond shaped face with a delicate chin and soft features. Her pale pink lips are narrow but not severe and sit beneath a pert nose with a slight upturn. Her oval eyes tend to sparkle with her inner mirth, accenting the blue-violet irises. Her eyebrows are flat but expressive, and a premature wrinkle is making itself apparent between them. Despite the discomfort it causes during drills, Norra keeps her auburn hair to shoulder blade length. It falls in waves when she doesn't take the time to put it into one of the many braids her mother taught her.
Personality description:
- Norra is the kind of person who seems to have seen everything, laughed at it, and went on to find some new adventure. She's bright and bubbly and always seems to be in a good mood and always moving forward. The past is past, so why dwell on it? Because of this, she tends to lose herself in whatever ramblings her mind is taking, causing her to accidentally leave friends and lovers behind. She's never intentionally hurtful, but forgetful is certainly true. While Hezzath may be highly empathetic, Norra doesn't quite seem to be, often misreading a person's emotions or not realizing she's being a little too honest.
Still, despite her seeming lack of regard for her past, Norra has certainly learned from it. While still the eternal optimist, she knows that life can be hard and that sometimes you just need to muscle through. Perhaps it is just her knowledge that the sun will always rise the next day that keeps her going; all things, especially the bad, shall pass. She can seem insensitive due to this - her mourning does not linger, her guilt does not last. She will remember it, yes, but dwelling too long just drags everything down.
This Bluerider is a social being, and enjoys nothing more than being around people. She tends to attach herself quickly to a person, for better or worse, and sometimes finds herself with more acquaintances than true friends. Part of this is due to her easy fluidity from one situation or person to another, but another reason is simply because of just how extroverted she is. While not necessarily (or always) overwhelming, the fact does remain that Norra wears her heart on her sleeve, and it rages or dances just as she does. She can be a bit fickle, largely in that her anger or grief seems to fade quickly, but volatility is not uncommon. Still, for the most part, the Bluerider remains the cheery optimist she is, despite whatever the circumstance may be, and tries to spread that as much as possible.
- Norra was the happy accident of an aging couple who had begun settling into their golden years. Kyna was 44 at the time and was thought to be past child bearing age, and so the realization that her fourth child was on the way was more than a little shocking. Already she had seen two children grown and sent off to live their own lives and was helping to groom her youngest son to one day, a decade from then, take over her second husband's grape farm. Farranor was elated, glad that his family would grow further. Thus, even before she was born, it was determined that little Norra would end up a spoiled thing, loved by a readily-extending family.
As a young child, Norra was a bundle of energy always chasing after whatever she took a shine to at any given time. One day she would be in the kitchens, doing her best to imitate her mother in preparing dinner. The next, she would be in the fields, helping her father and brother as they checked on the grapevines to make sure their crop would be acceptable to sell to the winecraft. This was tolerated until she began her harper lessons, indulging a small child's curiosity while she was too young to handle true responsibility. As she grew older and began to learn the real ways of the world, she was shuffled into women's work, as was expected of her. While neither parent would have denied her a craft if she wanted to pursue one, they still decided that she should learn the practices of a housewife since it was easily assumed she would become a holder's wife as her sister, mother, grandmother, and so on had become.
Norra never resented this, as she enjoyed the cooking, the gardening, mending, even the occasional large-scale sewing projects as her mother took either weaver-made cloth or homespun and turned it into the clothing her family needed. While not as fashionable, it was still fun to 'design' every once in a while. It was especially great for the social parties the local hold kids would set up. They allowed the teens and the like to get to know each other, have some fun, and maybe even find a husband or wife. It was at these gatherings that Norra especially liked to show off her handiwork, and where she met Amey. The two girls kept their budding relationship secret, part from the usual teenage awkwardness and part because they both knew their parents wouldn't approve. Kyna and Farranor were lenient in some of Norra's ventures, but both girls would be expected to marry men and start families. Preferably sooner rather than later.
It all fell apart one otherwise gorgeous summer day. Amey and her mother had made their way to Farranor's farm, hoping to trade gossip and a few household items. While the older women chatted on, Amey and Norra stole away to have some alone time of their own, maybe steal a few kisses here and there. What they hadn't expected was for Farrakyn to come in early from the fields, having cut himself while trimming the grapevines. Her brother less open-minded, Norra found herself trapped by his authority as he all but threw Amey out of their property. Even for all her shame, Norra knew that her girlfriend was in for a worse punishment and couldn't bear the thought that she ultimately had caused so much suffering to the woman she loved.
A sevenday later, Norra had gathered as many of her things as she could and what marks she had saved over the turns, and prepared to leave for Tillek proper. As the youngest, she had no real inheritance of her own and the small farming community had largely shut her out, and so Norra had nothing left to stay for. It was only the fear of further retribution that kept her from stealing away Amey so they could run away together. Instead she solemnly took her leave after painful good-byes to her family and began the trek to the coast with a caravan carrying the early harvest. Perhaps when she got to the hold she would become a fisher like the brother she had met only twice before or perhaps another craft would call her. What she did know was that she had no interest in becoming a holder's wife; if they could be so hateful, have such denial of love, then she wanted no part in it.
Her tenure at Tillek Hold would not last long. It was only a matter of three sevendays that Norra's life as a scullery maid for a small tavern would be cut short. High Reaches' search dragons came calling, looking for candidates for an upcoming clutch. It was larger than expected, and so the Weyr had decided to grab a few potential Holders to fill the ranks and allow the dragons plenty of choices. Norra's heart nearly stopped when a Red dragon turned his whirling gaze on her. She wasn't sure she had the guts for it, even though the searchrider said Norra had potential. Still, the Weyr couldn't be worse than her old home or her new job here, scrubbing dishes and being leered at by drunk men. In the end, she said yes, and was swept away to the ancient caldera of the Dragonmen.
High Reaches ended up being the haven she had been seeking for turns now. She pined for Amey, who could not be here, where they could be together without judgment. Still, her musings couldn't last long, not with the near-constant flurry of activity she was immersed in now that she was a candidate. Exercise like she had never done before; chores that varied widely and day by day; lessons on dragons, Weyr life, and what she hadn't gotten in her isolated community; the ever-looming expectations of being in the lower class. Looking back on it, Norra would laugh at how naive she seemed to be and how far she had gotten.
Hezzath found her a turn later, tumbling and tripping as he went from shell to Impression, and through training as well. The poor Blue never seemed to grow legs that suited him, but Norra loved him all the same. She would never have to worry about being alone, about being unloved, about not having her place. With Hezzath at her side, they would have their place in the Wings, both to flame what Thread would come and to help supply the Weyr with fresh blood. During their senior Weyrling training, Norra and Hezzath had been tapped to help the search team on one of their expeditions to LHigh Reaches Hold. It had been an exercise in stamina and Betweening, with Hezzath being the transport for one or two of the new candidates. Through whatever process and their conversation, it was determined the Blue had successfully searched a young shepherd boy. It was a title that the pair would carry once they graduated.
Romance came and went, with Norra never truly settling down with one love or another. There was one long-term relationship she had with a cook that faded after several months when it became more and more apparent that both women had different expectations on the standards of their relationship. Largely Norra has focused on short flings when she feels the need or finds someone compatible. Several of these have stemmed from the handful of times Hezzath has been successful in flights, though as such relationships go, they didn't last long when the other rider wasn't already weyrmated. After one flight involving a male Greenrider, she found herself pregnant, but chose not to keep the baby since reproducing and rearing a child seemed too close to the holder ways she had shunned. It's a decision she has since started to regret, especially after seeing the children of the Holds and during crèche outings. Still, nothing can be done now, and so she tries to find solace in the joy Hezzath brings to the holdbrats that seek him out after business is done and in doting on little Cerai, whose egg she found while running sweeps.
It wasn't until her mother's death that Norra returned to her home hold to pay her respects. The environment was tense, as she had expected it to be, but at least the holders had the sense to respect a Dragonrider as they were taught. Amey was nowhere to be seen, causing a stab of regret to lance through Norra, but asking after her old girlfriend would only cause trouble. Instead, she would leave, the holders would breathe a sigh of relief, and everything would return to normal. Holders would farm, and Norra would take to the sky and sear Thread to protect them. With the overpopulation in the Weyrs and a new ache in her heart, Norra was glad to have the option to transfer to Xian. With another new start, a whole world of possibilities have opened up.
- Green Cerai
- A jungle lives on this flitt's hide, the deep, untamed wilds coating her every inch. A rich, dark leafy green is the base, with a sparse dappling of brighter, yellowy shade - pinpricks of sunlight escaping the canopy. A few shadows are spotted here and there that almost seem to move every day, like sneaking jaguars or a fleeting bird. Much like the trees that stretch to the top of the jungle, Cerai is built rather solidly. Looking almost like a tiny Brown, her build is compact and powerful. This gives her surprising stamina, though her flights don't necessarily last long as she is often quickly outmanuvered by her chasers.
- There doesn't seem to be much to this Green to vary her from any other. Her attention span seems to be a bit better than most, but this is more due to Hezzath keeping her in check. She is quite coddled by both her human and dragon, spoiled nearly rotten and can be a bit needy.
Name: Hezzath
Color: Blue (0044bb)
- There are two things that one notices immediately upon meeting Hezzath: he is almost blindingly bright, and he is almost sickly skinny. There really is not much to this Blue - he is small for his color and very weedy. His build is not unlike a teenage boy just into their first growth spurt: everything is just too long for everything else. Rather narrow, and with a short face, it's quite easy for him to look a touch awkward. He truly is scrawny - very little muscle is packed on this dragon, and looks rather frail. Despite this, he doesn't seem to have any trouble carrying his rider and a few new Candidates after a successful search. His long, narrow wings are built perfectly for catching the smallest wind currents and soaring on them. Even so, he has very little stamina, and works best as a sprinter to clean up the little bits of Thread that get through larger flames.
Hezzath's brilliant hide very much matches his rider's disposition, being a bright, near-neon shade of blue. It certainly stands out in the crowd, despite his best efforts not to. A darker shade of an indigo hue spills from just behind his headknobs, where it cascades down the back of his neck and ultimately pools on his shoulders and wing joints. The rest of his ridges are marked with this indigo, but otherwise his back and tail are unmarked. The trailing edge of his wings are dappled with powder blue, looking like a swath of clouds sprinkling snowflakes.
- While one might expect this dragon to be bold and brazen like his hide and his rider, that's actually a bit far from the truth. Hezzath is more of a quiet soul, and a hint of latent shyness doesn't help that. He does enjoy socialization as much as his rider, but it takes some time for him to warm up to someone before he truly opens up. As if in spite of this, Hezzath does have a bit of a flirting streak. He tends to work the coy end of the spectrum, and is quite the gentleman around the ladies.
Hezzath does carry the visage of the strong, silent type, as he remains steadfast despite Norra's ever-changing world and his physical shortcomings. As an empathetic dragon, it is a bit easier to sense the distress of those around him, and he will offer what help he can, even if it ends up feeling uncomfortable for him. This is also a boon to Norra - in important situations, such as meeting holders, he helps coach her into being a little more tactful than she otherwise would be.